Open Call

We are now accepting applications for Malt AIR 2025-2027.
Deadline: March 10, 2025 (23.59 Central European Time)


Who may apply?

Professional visual artists from abroad (non-Danish artists)who can document exhibition experience within professional contexts as well as former collaborations with curators on a professional level.

Furthermore, it is expected that your level of English allows you to give an artist talk and participate in activities where other artists will present their work for you in English. 


The periods of the residency program 


Professional artists from abroad can apply for a stay of 3 months at Malt AIR. The periods are: 


  • August 29, 2025 – November 26, 2025
  • January 8, 2026 – April 7, 2026
  • April 11, 2026 – July 9, 2026
  • August 25, 2026 - November 23, 2026
  • January 7, 2027 - April 6, 2027
  • April 9, 2027 - July 7, 2027

Periods should be chosen in order of priority in the online application form.


How will your application be evaluated?

The following criteria will be used in the evaluation of the applications:

  • The applicant can document exhibition experience within professional contexts (i.e., solo presentations at museums or similar art institutions, and/or participation at biennials, and/or larger commissions for public art projects, etc.) 
  • The applicant can document former collaborations with curators and can provide the name and contact information of two referees who can comment on recent work and artistic development on a professional level
  • The applicant's proposed plan and the Malt AIR residency program are clear and mutually relevant. One of the program's main aims is to build new relations between the resident artist and the contemporary visual arts scene in Denmark
  • The applicant has an ambitious plan for his/her residency that demonstrates artistic quality on a high professional level

The application will be evaluated on the motivation and reflections regarding the proposed plan. The jury will also appreciate knowing your thoughts on artistic themes and hopes for the outcome of your residency, as well as possible connections to Danish institutions or persons in the Danish art scene that you would like to make.


Who will evaluate your application?

Your application will be evaluated by a jury consisting of members of the Malt AIR partnership: The Jutland Art Academy, Art Hub Copenhagen, Maltfabrikken, and an external jury member.


Application process

All applications to Malt AIR must be submitted electronically via an online application form.

We recommend that you read the electronic application form and have the necessary information as well as documents for attachment ready before you get started.

The online form is available here

When submitting the application form, the following must be attached in one pdf file of max. seven pages and max. 10 MB in total:

  • Motivation (max. 1 page)
  • CV containing a minimum of one exhibition within a professional context and two professional referees (max. 1 page)
  • Sample images. Minimum five pictures (max. five pages)

    No additional material can be included in the application.

    It is the responsibility of the artist to ensure that their application is complete. If your application is incomplete, a new and complete application should be submitted before the deadline. The final application submitted will be presented to the jury. Applications will be submitted to the jury as they appear at the deadline.

You will be notified of the jury's decision within eight weeks from the deadline of the call. During this period, all applications will be prepared for, distributed to, and assessed by the jury.

Further Information

Please download the PDF version of the open call for additional information about the program structure and expectations.

If you have questions about your application and the residency, please check out our FAQs here. If you still have questions, contact Pamela Grombacher at